Wrath of Sarafu     |     home
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LOST  written by me!
i stand alone
in a crowded room
i see you there
and another stray tear
rolls down my cheek

i can feel it
another part of my heart
falling away

i watch you there
surrounded by
glowing with
the love you'll
always have

protected you live
and i am drawn to you by this

the need to shelter you
from the cruel world
that we live in

you are so close
and yet
you are far beyond my reach

i wish i could touch you
and maybe
you would hold me too

your blue eyes
vibrant and alive
deep like the seas
would meet mine
dark as night
sad and empty
but perhaps with a glimmer of hope...

but i soon leave
this waking dream
only to see you again
so far away
and the crowd swallows you up
and i am alone again

and another tear drips from my chin
and onto my shaking hands