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feel free to send me funny thoughts, quotes, or comments for/from any series found somewhere between this page and my original site (well, what's left of it. it's still got more pics than this one tho...)Oh, and some of these aren't exactly humor per say. Some are just inner most thoughts and feelings from the people we so love...

1) I like tang....it makes me feel......frisky...
2) Myself + Beer = Mr. Happy giggles (I'm actually...nice...)
3) Why are my children named after underwear? What the hell was that woman smoking when she named our children Trunks and Bra?
4) I like oreos....I especially like eating the cream first....
5) I'm a pretty sensitive person...I just don't show it....
6) I hugged Trunks in the Majin Buu saga. You know what? I don't think the brat is that bad after all....neither is the woman.....
7) I like eating butterflies.....
8) Kakkarot is my best friend. If you tell him that I'll kill you. You know I can. Baka human.
9) I like having my tail stroked, Bulma says she likes hearing me purr like a cat. Thank god I grew it back....Heh heh, there's so many wonderous uses for it....
10) I'm a bad man....*smirk*
11) I don't know what in the hell possessed me to grow a mustache later in the series!!! I'm glad I finally shaved the stupid thing off, I looked ridiculous - not to mention it caused me to resemble my father a bit too closely for comfort.
"nyahaha!!!!" ( i made this pic!! ^_^...kinda...)

1) Vegeta is my best buddy. Too bad he's such a bakayaro.
2) I'm a lot smarter and more insightful than people think....
3) Food is the best thing in the world!
4) When exactly did I learn how to fly anyways? Gohan too...
5) Myself + Beer = Psycho killer freaky man (I even scared Vageta...)
6) I don't like it when Chichi yells at me...
7) ...but the sex is great!
8) Why do my friends and I have the odd tendency to just stand, stare, grunt, and make empty threats at our enemies when the whole planet is at stake? On that note, why do we fight them one at a time? And why do we and the bad guys both wait for each other to power up and what not before an attack when we could get each other while the other is vulnerable in their mini-quest to gather energy???????
9) Never give up for what you believe in
"erm....eh heheheheh..."

1) Even though I'm older now, Vageta still really freaks me out
2) When did I turn into such a dork? Geez, this is not cool. And I was so sexy before...*Sarah: Sorry, but it's true! But it's ok, Gohan! We still love you!!*
3) My dad always seems to be dead, so Piccolo is a real father figure to me. Just don't tell my mom that...
4) I hate it when my mom cries at night. I know she misses Dad a lot...
5) I feel like kind of a father figure to Goten, since Dad wasn't around when he was born.
6) Videl is so cute...
7) Is it just me, or does my daughter (Pan) show an impecable resemblence to my mother??

1) Is it just me, or do I look like an odd cross between my mom and my grandma??
2) I wish I could become a Super Saiyajin like the rest of my family...well the guys at least...
3) Uncle Goten's best friend Trunks is really hott...
4) I have the WIERDEST grandpas on the planet, I swear.
5) Why do I always wear that bandana? Did my uncle come in and cut my hair while I slept and then glued it to my head so I wouldn't find out? I'll believe anything at this point.
6) My grandma sure likes to nag, but she's a great cook so she's ok.
"WHAT WAS THAT???!!!!"

1) I don't know how Goku or Vageta put up with their wives. Thank Kami and Dende I'm asexual...
2) Gohan was a cute kid, but he sure got on my nerves sometimes
3) I went to the store the other day and found these adorable widdle bottled waters! I bought 2 packages - they were on sale!....*cough*...
4) I wonder why Gohan doesn't dress like me anymore...
5) I'm so proud of Gohan. He's gotten so strong. Gohan is like a son to me...god I'm getting soft.
6) This turban is giving me a headache...
"and just what are YOU looking at?"

1) Why do almost all my shirts have my name on them? Is it just that I can't remember it? But then I wouldn't be the genious I'm so proud I am...wait, I'm contradicting myself...
2) How the hell is my hair always changing color and style? Do I dye it all the time or what? Why can't the damn animators make up their minds??!!!
3) My husband is such a jerk...but you gotta love him.
4) Goku and Chichi are my best buds, but I have to say that I've always had this freakish little crush on Goku...of course it's completely locked away in my sub-concious...that's why I know about it...wait a sec...
5) How is it that when I first met Goku when my hair was lavendar my eyes were green and then suddenly my hair turned aqua-ish blue and my eyes turned sky blue to match?
6) I got my body switched with a frog once...
"aren't I cute?? you don't REALLY want do kill me..."

1) How the heck did my daughter end up with pink hair when mine is blonde and my hubbie, Darien, has black hair?
2) I'm smart enough when I fight, so why do I get such lousy grades?
3) I wanna eat pringles...
4) How do my parents not notice my absence for days or even weeks on end when I go out to fight?
5) What happened to Naru (Molly) and my family after the Black Moon attacked and we found out about ChibiUsa (Rini)?
6) The Sailor V game is really really hard
7) I saw a little boy at the mall yesterday wearing a Sailor Mars fan club pin. It seems all the kids around here like every other senshi except me - and I'M the leader!! What's up with that??
8) I really do love ChibiUsa, even if we fight a lot
9) What's up with Ami having blue hair and blue eyes? The rest of us senshi have normal hair and eye colors ( well, except maybe for Rei's purple eyes and Michiru's funny hair...and...oh forget it) - let's just say that she's the only INNER senshi with funny colors. I think that's a little wierd, don't you?
Bitmap Image"Oh, Mamo-chan!...*sigh*"

1) Why is it that everyone thinks that studying is my favorite thing?? Oh wait...it is...damn it!!
2) What is the square root of 8x+3/4*657.28563285/3.14 to the nearest tenth???
3) Why do I want to be a doctor so bad when I could just chill and fight evil forever? Not that I'm that good at it...hell, I shoot BUBBLES and the enemy and play the harp for it...
4) How did a smart girl like me get to be friends with Usagi? Well, besides the fact that I like her boyfriend --*blush* OH MY GOD - DID I JUST SAY WHAT I THINK I SAID??!!!!!
Bitmap Image"hmm...perhaps I should have run an isolated test lab on this compound before exposing myself to it while I was doing the shaking part of the procedure...*note to self - add this to my error analysis*... "

1) What's with my loyal wearing of SPANDEX?? don't I own anything else??
2) Why is it that I seem to be least least intelligent lifeform on my own ship? Well, not counting Aiesha...
3) How come I'm always so mean to Mel? I thought I was in love with her...hmm...
4) Where's my damn floss?? I knew I shouldn't have eaten that psycho rastified Cataro-Cataro meat dish!!
5) Mel is a really good singer...
6) I want some new shells...too bad I'm friggin broke...maybe I can ask Suzuka for some cash...yeh...
7) I really miss Hilda and my dad sometimes. I'll never forget the sacrafices they made.
8) I have pierced ears. Wowie.
9) I need a haircut...and I think I could use a shave now too...
10) Can someone please tell me what the heck is up with my eyebrows?!! They could be used as weapons they're so friggin pointy!!
"is that a piece of brocolli back there or what?..."

1) Chibi...chibi chibi. Chibi chibi chibi chibi...chibi??!!!

1) Why the heck did I cut my hair when I got mad at Gohan for suggesting it?
2) Why would a High School girl be walking around with pigtails?
3) It's no wonder I was single when Gohan met me, even though I'm pretty (well, according to Gohan anyways) - Daddy and I both were probably always scaring all the poor boys off.
4) What was my mom like? And what happened to her anyways?
5) Why does my dad have an AFRO??? And sideburns to top it! Geez...
6) Why does my daughter look so much like my mother-in-law?
7) I'm so jealous of Gohan and his family for being so strong. Even my daughter over-powers me! What's up with that??
8) It's really wierd being married to a guy that's only half human, is the third strongest fighter on the planet (rivaled only by his father and their cocky friend Vageta), and happens to be a really nerdy teacher with a HUGE appetite! You can't imagine what it's like having his family over for dinner...
" I don't know what I'm looking at but it sure is fascinating..."

1) How on Earth did I turn out looking like an odd cross between Goku, Vageta, Freiza, and...a cockroach?....
2) What is up with my voice??
4) Isn't it funny that in the Otherworld Tournament, there was a red and black fighter that had the same armor and wings as I have?? Except he was ripped apart by Pikkon, and I couldn't be beaten by a green freak like that....well except I was when I tried to take over the H.F.I.L....and I'm green too....wait a sec...
5) What is the function of the wierd plates coming up on either side of my head??
6) I used to have a beak...
7)...and then I had big "Fish Lips".........
8) I'm still pissed that I was beaten by and eleven - year - old child. I'll get that boy back for that.
"Loooook into my eeeyyyyeeeesss....."

1) How do I have pink hair when my mom is a blonde and my dad has black hair??
2) I wish I would just grow up. I just stopped maturing one day, and now I'm 902 years old in a world where people live into their mid-thousands but only age till they're 21 and I still look 8!!! I hate this!!
3) Sailor Pluto and Hotaru are my best human friends, but they're both so gloomy. I'm glad I have my kitty, Diana, to brighten things up a bit.
4) Would you say it was strange to have a crush on your father's PAST self?? I mean, it's not REALLY my dad cuz in this time I'm not even born yet...though he IS going out with my mom already...why does love have to be so complicated??!!
5) I like baking cookies - even if they look kinda nasty.
6) Did you know that in the future, no one gets cavities? That's so cool! You people are so primitive...
7) Not only do I like my "dad", but I also really like Peruru and Helios. How am I ever gonna get married and become a real lady if I have a crush on a handful of guys??
8) Is it just me, or does my hair look kinda like cotton candy?...
Bitmap Image"Hey mister, look out for that -- nevermind..."

1) My resemblence to Usagi-chan is really creepy. Same hair and eye color, our flaky personalities, and we even both have cats (Luna and Artemis) that talk! Weirdishness...
2) I think I liked being a solo super-hero better than being in a team of senshi.
3) I wish I'd kept playing volleyball, but being an idol as a career couldn't be half bad either ^_~
4) Wouldn't it be cool to go to a private school like Rei does?
5) I'm even more accident prone than Usagi - one of these days I'm gonna kill someone I know it...
Bitmap Image" I like sticking my tongue out at people...nyah!!"

1) um...where is my nose...?
2) How did I have a baby with an android?
3) Why did I enter the World Martial Arts Tournament if I knew I wasn't going to win?
4) Why, despite all the jokes and poking fun, did I keep myself bald all those years when I didn't need to?
5) Why do I have such rotten luck with women?
6) I gotta say, Goku's daughter-in-law is really cute...
7)...just don't tell my wife I said that or she'll kill me...literally...
8) I look really bad in that saiyajin armor.
9) I was turned to stone once...
10) Why am I the only one with eyes the same color as my skin? Seriously...my eyes have no whites!!

Mirai Trunks:
1) Tell me, am I sexier with shorter or longer hair?
2) Is it just me, or am I a little paranoid over a hostile take-over?
3) Gohan-kun is so hott....--urk!! I mean...
4)...Android 18 is kinda cute...wait, I mean...dammit!!!
5) Time travel really messes with your head
6) My dad's a real jerk - and people wonder why I have low self esteem...
7) I have purple hair...wowie...
8) I'm the only Z fighter with a weapon...well, except Goku-san had that power pole but he hasn't used it in ages. Besides, he's dead so he doesn't count.
*heavy bass beat in background* "...i'm...too sexy for my shirt...too sexy it hurts!!..."

Present Trunks:
1) Goten is my best bud, but he's SUCH a baka!!
2) I can't believe I got stuck looking for the dragonballs with my best friend's "chibi-fied" father and neice
3) My mom sure is a dork
4) My dad sure is a jerk
5) But you gotta love 'em
6) I don't really like being the head of Capsule Corps. How did I get myself into this, anyways??
7) I have a very pointy nose...
8) My little sister looks creepily like my mother
9) I like carrots...
Image Document"Have they gone mad? HEY! TURN OFF THAT DAMN FAN!! YOU'RE SCREWING UP MY HAIR!!!"

2) Ed likes her Prozac...HAPPY PILLS!!
3) Edward is found, but Father person is gone, so Ed is off to find him! But why is Ed looking for him if he does not care for Ed?
4) Faye Faye!!!!
5) Stomach's caving in...Ein...Edward is hungry!!
6) Edward likes to play chess over the internet with creepy old men on space complexes and parrots on their shoulders. ^_^
7) Spike person and Jet person have yucky food...if they have any at all...
8) Why does Jet person make "Bell peppers and beef" without beef?
9) What about the Mother person??
10) Ed likes mushrooms ^^
11) Ed is a hacker! Whoopie!!
"So Edward is found?..."

1) Is it just me, or do I have a huge crush on Spike??
2) That dog annoys me beyond words
3) Faye: the untouchable shrew woman...that's me alright...
4) I'm really good at gambling...well, except when it comes to ponies...
5) I was a cheerleader even before I had my trademark boobs. Now THAT is an accomplishment!
6) What's with my yellow spandex? I look so tacky...
7) Me and my persistant wearing of headbands...*sigh*...
8) I'm not bad with a gun, so why do I tend to be a wuss 50% of the time and "super-bitch" the other?
9) Speaking of my gun...where do I keep the damn thing??
"Oh my god! You're staring at my boobs again, aren't you, Jet?!! *smack* Well, not that I blame you...but oh my god!!!"

- *his scouter bleeps* Vegeta: "IT's OVER NINE..." *scouter explodes.* "GAAA! There's someting in my eye damnit!!! GET it out!!!"

- Vegeta flies up, ready to kick Goku in the face.
Goku looks down, "Ooh...a quarter! AND It's on heads!!!"
*Vegeta sails over Goku and into the background, knocking down the scenery*
Director: "Goku, it's just a quarter."
Goku: "Oh wow!! It's a new one! I don't have New York!!"
Director: *slaps himself*

- Really Scientific Experiment #2:
I know this is probably the oldest trick in the book, but... I can't contain myself...
What would Kakkarot do if he sat on a whoopee cushion? What will be his reaction?
Vegeta: *peers from his hiding place in the broom closet as he watches Goku sit down at the table with Bulma.*
*Goku sits down and the whoopee cushion goes off...*
Goku: *blushes*
Bulma: *grimaces* Goku...
Vegeta: *falls out of broom closet laughing hysterically, not minding the angry look that Bulma is giving him*

- Vegeta:"That's Mister Fuck-head to you..."

- From the movie: "The Rebirth of Fusion" (Goku and Vegeta)
Vegeta: I'd rather die than fuse with you again Kakarotto!
Goku: But Vegeta, you're already dead.

- If there's one thing scarier than a saiya-jin on a caffeine rush, it's a saiya-jin on a sugar rush.

- Vegeta:"Let me ask you this: What makes you think you're going to do any better than him? You're an android too. I bet you're head rolls just as well as his does."

- Vegeta: Hello? Servant woman! Bring me a drying cloth at once! ::pauses:: Woman! Can you hear me?!?!
Bulma: I hear you but my name is Bulma and I am not your servant so say please! Hmph!
Vegeta: Ahh! Forget the stupid drying cloth then!
Bulma: Suit yourself! Drip dry you jerk!
Vegeta: What in the... Is this some kind of joke?!
Bulma: Is what a joke?
Vegeta:  These garments you left! Are…they for a man or a woman? They're pink!!!!
Bulma: C'mon! It's the style here!
Vegeta: Men in pink! How bizarre!
::Yamcha, Krillen, Oolong and Puar start laughing:: ::Vegeta walks out:: Vegeta: This is ridiculous! I am a warrior! Not a variety of flower!
Bulma: Well, you smell good
::Her, Yamcha, Krillen, Oolong and Puar laugh agian::
Vegeta: Stop that! Stop it or I'll blast you all!!!
::laughing stops (English Dub)

<---spoiled rotten. literally.