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supercallafragilisticexpealladocious links *whew, what a mouthful!!*

Going so soon? Bye then, friend.

*Home Star Runner.com ~ this is an awesome and really funny site, though it has nothing to do w/ anime it has funny animations on it. just check it out!!
*Leo and Ban's Art Collection ~ this site has some amazingly cool fanart. you must visit!!
*SailorMoon Fanart Galleries ~ this has pictures from various artists, a couple of which i took some art from and put on my site ^_^
**Fanfiction.net ~ the most complete, most awesome fan fiction site i have and probably ever will come by. it has fanfics from a ton of animes and other series and video games and all sorts of stuff. i love it. you have to go there, it's just too cool!!!
*Google.com ~ this isn't really anime-related but this is where i go to find all of the sites i get shtuff from. this is a search site. very good. very easy. very cool. check it out.
*Linake-chan's Yaoi Haven ~ cute site. from the title you can tell what it's about...music on main page is kinda irritating but otherwise quite kawaii. that site is where i got my little "homophobia is gay." banner. i have the banner up in my fanfic section and at the bottom of this page.^_^
*Bokutachi wa Tenshi Datta ~ all dbz yaoi site w/ fics, pics, doujinshi scans, and lots of em. it has a lot of featured couples too. if you can stomach yaoi you should definitely check this out ^_^
*Wasteland ~ angst pictures that just make you want to die. it's so depressing but the artwork is wonderful. it sorta reminds me of The Nightmare Before Christmas. i like it.
*Laurie's site ~ This is a very cute and well constructed site. It was created by Laurie (duh) and she has tons of cool fics and artwork.
*Anime/Manga Images ~ oodles of pics...much more than mine ^_^;;;
*Crystal Preservation ~ my awesome friend Shayla's site. really well organized and visually breathtaking (can u tell i'm looking for some brownie points in her review section??-lol) you HAVE to visit if you like sailormoon. GO!!! OR I SHALL SMITE YOU!!
*All Poetry.com ~ i am a member of this site. it's just oodles of POETRY. and very good poetry i might add. you've gotta check it out. shayla's a member too ^_^my username is "crmsntears" and hers is "Singer-of-the-old-harmonies" so read our poems even tho mine aren't that good!!
*Oh Goodie! ~ this site is made by my buds Seamus and Jeff. It's comics that Seamus draws and writes with him and me and my whole group of friends as slightly altered characters. you'll laugh your ass off!  you hafta visit ^_^
*Damaged ~ this has some great art.  it's a little...morbid, but still this talented artist should get the credit he deserves.  go see Locke's work!!!
*Hot Topic ~ this is just where i find all my fave clothes and stuff.  if you can stand looking at and finding clothes you like without nessacarily (sp?) buying them, you might wanna check it out.
If you want an image overload or more of other categories, go to either of my two older sites.  they take longer to load and look at, so you need some patience and free time, but if you want lots of pics from sailor moon, tenchi muyo, and other galleries i don't have posted on this site now, go to one of these:       A Hazy Shade of Random      or        Endless Blue: A Hazy Shade of Random v2.0

you'll be missed!! come again.