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which member of the batman circle would you be most likely to date??


alias: Batgirl #1 and Oracle
real name: Barbara Gordon
powers:  Olympic-level athlete and expert at detective and research work.
characteristics:  Head-strong and spunky.  Fiercly independant but can be clingy at times.
hair: Red
eyes: azure

alias: Batman
real name: Bruce Wayne
powers: Olympic-level athlete, extremely intelligent, 7th degree black bealt in Tae Kwan Do, Ju Distu, Kung Fu, Karate, and Chung mu Kwan.  Studied with magician, Zatara, to become an escape artist.  Is the world's foremost detective and analitical mind, always prepared. Filthy rich.
characteristics: hides his true personality from everyone, including himself.  Trusts no one completely, not much of a people-person, and hates asking for help.  Can flip back and forth between notoriously flaky idiot playboy, Brucie, and stony silent creepy Batman as if flicking a switch in the back of his mind.
hair: Black
eyes: icy blue

name: Lt. Harvey Bullock of the GCPD
characteristics:  laid back and quite lazy, but a top-notch officer once on the scene.  A no-nonsense man who knows how to get the job done.
hair: Black
eyes: Brown

alias: Catwoman
real name: Selina Kyle
powers: supreme athlete, flexible and a tease, plus she's one hell of an enviornmentalist.  Best cat-burglar in history.  
characteristics: cunning, spunky, feminine but never one to play the damsel in distress.  very independent, but never minds a helping hand.  has sarcasm and wit down to a T.
hair: Blonde
eyes: Green

alias: Firefly
real name: Michael Corogan
powers: Fire-proof suit and a gun that ignites things, plus a jetpack.
characteristics: extreme pyro-maniac.  conceited and agressive.  
hair: Brown
eyes: Blue

alias: Mr. Freeze
real name:  Dr. Victor Freis
powers: cannot survive in temperatures above 10 degrees F. Has an exo-suit that maintains his body at a safe temperature and also carries a gun that freezes things. Extremely intelligent and has a soft spot for cancer victims.
characteristics: malicious and lives for vengence. the only person he truly cares for is his dying wife, Nora, whom is chryogenically frozen in the final stage of the very chemicals that transformed him.
hair: none
eyes: black (used to be aqua)

alias: Harlequinn
real name: Dr. Harlene Quinzelle
powers: highly trained athlete, highly intelligent (though she doesn't show it much.)
characteristics: bubbly, seeminly "blonde-at-heart" personality.  Used to be psychiatric assistant in Arkham Asylum.  Fell in love with Joker and she became almost as crazy as he himself.  Endlessly devoted to him and him alone.  Has berserker rages.
hair: Blonde
eyes: Blue

alias: Mad Hatter
real name: Jervis Tech
powers: uses electronics to induce mind-control
characteristics: a lonely, shy man who used to work for Wayne Enterprises as an inventor.  Fell in love with his secretary, Alice, who was soon afterwards engaged.  Tried to take her for himself but Batman stopped him and had him placed in the asylum.  Now hates Batman.
hair: straw-like dull blonde
eyes: dull cornflower blue

alias: Poison Ivy
real name: Pamela Isely
powers: can grow, mutuate, and/or control any species of plant. Often uses them as guards, friends, and weapons.
characteristics: obsessed with plants and nature, she strives to save the earth, but takes the wrong approach and is labeled insane. not that she isn't or anything. also a raging femenist.
hair: red
eyes: green

alias: joker
real name: jack napier
powers: simply twisted and insane beyond the point of help, or concience, and a criminal genious.
characteristics: about the same as above. hates hates HATES batman. very intelligent and will do anything it takes to get what he wants.
hair: emerald green
eyes: black

alias: Nightwing, Robin #1
real name: Richard "Dick" Grayson
powers: olympic-level athlete.  professional acrobat and limber to a high degree.
characteristics: a great and energetic fighter, but not one for thinking it through well first.  stubborn as a mule and cute as a button, the ex-Robin shows great potential for the mantle of the bat. it seems though that he doesn't want it.  he wants desperately to get out of batman's shadow and be his own man.
hair: black
eyes: dark blue
alias: The Demon's Head
real name: Ra's Al Ghoule
powers: has tapped into the earth's resources and gained the secret of eternal life with the lazarus pits.
characteristics:  obsessed with recreating earth in his own ideals and killing off whatever gets in his way. stubborn, ,intelligent, and inconceivealby narcasisstic.
hair: black with white streaks
eyes: hazel

alias: the Riddler
real name: Edward Nygma
powers: creates intricite puzzles and mind benders that circle his robberies and other crimes. has an I.Q. over 200.
characteristics:  self-centered and egotistic.  a bit shy but never hesitates to make a moves as long as he doesn't have to be first.
hair: reddish brown
eyes: light green

alias: Robin #3
real name: Timothy Drake
powers: expert acrobat and highly trained fighter.
characteristics: always cheerful and optomistic.  has no problem with taking risks. he loves video games and pancakes when he's not busting bad guys. batman is his idol.  has trouble following orders at times though...
hair: black
eyes: honey brown

alias: Risk
real name: Roxy Betton
powers: has access to high-tech machinery and is an elite theif.
characteristics: ex-stunt double for hollywood's most famous leading ladies. loves danger and constantly craves the adrennaline rush that accompanies fear.
hair: reddish brown
eyes: blue-green

alias: Scarecrow
real name: Jonathan Kraine
powers:  has gasses and other forms of a fear-inducing chemical that he created. he himself is immune to it thanks to an antidote he made, took, and then destroyed.
characteristics: used to be a professor at Gotham State University.  He taught psychology there, but his specialty was fears and phobias.  He was kicked out for performing strange experiments in that feild.  He now wreaks mass panic with his toxin and while the police are cleaning up after him, he takes what he wants and leaves.
hair: light brown
eyes: dark green

name: Talia Al Ghoule
powers: Gained eternal life from the lazarus pits her father, Ra's, discovered.
characteristics: despite her deep love for the Batman, she remains ever-loyal to her twisted father and is ultimately under his control no matter what the circumstances.
hair: dark brown
eyes: sapphire blue