Wrath of Sarafu     |     home
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Here's where you can learn a little bit about me.  For one, I am totally obsessed with cartoons and comics, I like most kinds of music, and I'm hopelessly in love with Batman *sigh*.  Are you scared yet?  You should be, lol.  My one true passion is art - I love to draw.  I'm also a poet, though I'm not sure how good at it I am.  I only have a couple of really close friends and I love them very much.  They would be:  Shayla/Shiira, Mojdeh, Seamus/James, and my Kaasan.  Hugs to you guys!! This is kinda random, but if you wanna see some clothes I think are spiffy, go HERE.  Um...I don't really like school *hell, who does?*  but I do go early and stay after like, every day to hang out with friends.  I live with my dad (we don't exactly get along...) and my little brother, Alex.  I'm at my mom's house right now.  My puppy, Riley(see fig. 1a), is staring at my like I have three heads....anyways, that's me in a paragraph. wowie was that spiffirific or what? ^_~ ooh ooh! before i forget, you can email me at [email protected]

oh and here's an old pic of me...creepishness...

my hair was so short! do i look fat? monster glare! ...those glasses were so ugly - and this was just on Dec. 26, 2000!!  hahaha....ha.

and my bud's interpritation of me as well as some images i altered in a futile attempt to anime-ify myself without too much effort.
 <--that's my hair, alright, 'cept I always wear it up like in the pic my friend, Seamus, drew (the black and white one where i look eeeevil...).

(figure 1a)
Riley!! ^_^

this is my mom and my step dad.

this is my little brother...(both of these pics...)

and this is his best friend

my half brother (right) and his b/f.  Yes, his b/f.  i actually think they're very cute together, don't you??  oh well, you already knew i was nuts, what's another factor?

and THIS is my oh-so-awesome grandma!! ^_^ She drives a Jimmy and can't cook for beans.  I love her!! She's my fave relative.  She even likes modern music! (though country is her fave at heart - yuk.)^_~ lol

:*:AND:*: this is the not-so-real man I just happen to be deeply in love with...no, I'm serious.  Sad but completely true, folks.  I  love  Batman  with  an  undying  passion.  Yeh, I already know I'm obsessed and a bit insane, but that's why we're so good for each other!! ^_^ and just look at him - he's like, the perfect male specimen!  Hey now, quit looking at me like that.......O.o